Book news, life

January Breakdown


This is basically a wrap up post where each month I review my Bookish Resolutions and reflect on books/movies/events throughout the month.

January was a solid reading and blogging month.

NOTE: Just click on the book titles which will take you to my review of that particular book (only if you want to)

Some of the best stand-Alones I read throughout the month include: 

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley


I was Here By Gayle Forman

I read possibly the best book of the year… Drum roll….

All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

did Bout of Books #12 which was a lot of fun

Top Five Wednesday has now become a regular feature on my blog

Infinity Reads completed one year in the blogosphere and there’s a giveaway!

Infinity Reads produced its 100th post!


Movies I watched and loved this month include

The Imitation Game 

I mean just look that!

TV shows I watched:

Pretty Little Liars

Literally been obsessed with this show since like 2012

Currently Reading 

Fairest by Marissa Meyer

Wow look how interesting my life is! not really but yeah that’s all the highlights of January. Let me know what you been up to!


Book reviews

Blog tour: A life, Freed + Giveaway

Dark and compelling Tracy Hewitt-Meyer’s Rowan Slone series is a highly promising New Adult novel tackling social issues and life.

Brought to you by YAReads

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My Review

A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review 🙂

A life, Redefined  (Rowan Slone #1)

Author: Tracy Hewitt-Meyer

Genre: New Adult

Pages: 200


Seven years ago, an innocent act by Rowan Slone turned her life into a nightmare. Since the age of ten she’s lived with the burden of her baby brother’s death. Now she is seventeen and all she wants to do is graduate high school, go to college, and escape the loveless family she has endured all these years—the same family that holds her responsible for his death. But no one holds her responsible more than herself.

When long-time crush Mike Anderson invites her to the Prom, suddenly her future looks brighter. Rowan’s younger sister, Trina, however, is determined to ruin her new-found happiness, no matter the cost. And when Rowan discovers her mother’s long-held secret, she finds herself teetering on the edge of an abyss. Can Rowan find the strength to move toward the future or is she doomed to dwell in the past?

From the get go the plot of this novel is engaging because of the mystery behind Rowan having killed her baby brother. Throughout the book there are so many cliff hangers which created excitement and progression in the story.

Rowan has the misfortune to be stuck with a rather messed up family and it saddens me to think that domestic abuse is still a problem. But, I admire her willpower to create a better future for herself. Mike, her love interest gave me the feels. The romance in this book gave me a break from all the serious problems Rowan was facing.

There’s a dark side too, Rowan’s relationship with her sister Trina which was very complicated.  Her self harming and all the suicide related issues that were bought up in this novel raised awareness for issues that people experience every day. Props to the author for that,

A life, Redefined is a fairly quick read with an underlying message that if you seek help, things will get better. Definitely recommend it.






Book 3:A Life Freed (1)

A Life, Freed by Tracy Hewitt Meyer

Genre: New Adult

On her own for the first time, Rowan Slone is no longer waiting for the future. She’s living  in the present, and relishing every minute of it. She has a new boyfriend. She is helping best friend, Jess, raise her five-month-old son, Jacob. And she continues to work as Assistant Manager at the animal shelter-all while settling into her first semester of college. Rowan’s stars are aligned and she’s not looking back.

But all is not as golden as it seems. Being a young mother is too much for Jess to handle, leaving Rowan to shoulder much of the burden of raising Jacob. Trina becomes involved in a religious cult causing Rowan to fear she may have lost her sister forever. And her mother has a new psychiatrist whose goal is to get Rowan into therapy, forcing her to deal with her mother, and the past, once and for all.

Adding to the rising turmoil, Rowan’s first love, Mike Anderson, returns, and wants to see her. She is surprised how much she wants to see him too. But his sudden reappearance makes her wonder if there is room in her future for the boy with the pine-colored eyes or is it too little, too late?

As the winds begin to stir, threatening to send Rowan’s carefully-built life into a tailspin, she must search deep inside herself to discover what she truly wants. Will soul-searching help her achieve that elusive sense of peace and family she’s always craved or will the pain of the past prove too great?


About the Author tracy

Tracy Hewitt Meyer is a multi-genre, multi-published author of new adult fiction as well as adult paranormal and contemporary romance. She has a B.A. in English and a Master of Social Work, both of which feed her true passion-a love of writing. Born and raised in the beautiful state of West Virginia, Tracy now lives in the mid-east with her family, a goldendoodle, and a bearded dragon.


Twitter: @TracyHMeyer



The Giveaway:

(5) ebook copies of A Life, Redefined (Book 1) by Tracy Hewitt Meyer

a Rafflecopter giveaway